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Archibald T. Robertson
Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures
Apg 13,40Kommentar zu Apostelgeschichte 13,40
Beware therefore (βλεπετε ουν). The warning is pertinent. Perhaps Paul noticed anger on the faces of some of the rabbis.
Lest there come upon you (μη επελθη). Second aorist active subjunctive with the negative final conjunction μη.
In the prophets (εν τοις προφηταις). The quotation is from the LXX text of Habakkuk 1:5. The plural here refers to the prophetic collection (Luke 24:44; Acts 24:14). "The Jews of Habakkuk's day had refused to believe in the impending invasion by the Chaldeans, and yet it had come" (Furneaux).