In that same house (εν αυτη τη οικια). Literally, in the house itself, not "in the same house" (εν τη αυτη οικια), a different construction. A free rendering of the common Lukan idiom is, "in that very house."
Eating (εσθοντες). An old poetic verb εσθω for εσθιω that survives in late Greek.
Such things as they give (τα παρ' αυτων). "The things from them."
For the labourer is worthy of his hire (αξιος γαρ ο εργατης του μισθου αυτου). In Matthew 10:10 we have της τροφης αυτου (his food).
1 Timothy 5:18 has this saying quoted as scripture. That is not impossible if Luke wrote by A.D. 62. Paul there however may quote only Deuteronomy 25:4 as scripture and get this quotation either from Luke 10:7 or from a proverbial saying of Jesus. It is certainly not a real objection against the Pauline authorship of First Timothy.
Go not from house to house (μη μεταβαινετε εξ οικιας εις οικιαν). As a habit, μη and the present imperative, and so avoid waste of time with such rounds of invitations as would come.