And they were amazed (κα εθαμβουντο). Imperfect tense describing the feelings of the disciples as Jesus was walking on in front of them (ην προαγων αυτους, periphrastic imperfect active), an unusual circumstance in itself that seemed to bode no good as they went on through Perea towards Jerusalem. In fact,
they that followed were afraid (ο δε ακολουθουντες εφοβουντο) as they looked at Jesus walking ahead in solitude. The idiom (ο δε) may not mean that all the disciples were afraid, but only some of them. "The Lord walked in advance of the Twelve with a solemnity and a determination which foreboded danger" (Swete). Cf. Luke 9:5. They began to fear coming disaster as they neared Jerusalem. They read correctly the face of Jesus.
And he took again the twelve (κα παραλαβων τους δωδεκα). Matthew has "apart" from the crowds and that is what Mark also means. Note παραλαβων, taking to his side.
And began to tell them the things that were to happen to him (ηρξατο αυτοις λεγειν τα μελλοντα αυτω συμβαινειν). He had done it before three times already (Mark 8:31; Mark 9:13; Mark 9:31). So Jesus tries once more. They had failed utterly heretofore. How is it now? Luke adds (Mark 18:34): "They understood none of these things." But Mark and Matthew show how the minds of two of the disciples were wholly occupied with plans of their own selfish ambition while Jesus was giving details of his approaching death and resurrection.