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Archibald T. Robertson
Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures
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Here is the patience of the saints (Hωδε η υπομονη των αγιων εστιν). John's own comment as in Revelation 13:10; Revelation 17:9. In this struggle against emperor worship lay their opportunity (Romans 5:3). It was a test of loyalty to Christ.
They that keep (ο τηρουντες). In apposition with των αγιων (genitive), though nominative, a frequent anacoluthon in this book (Revelation 2:20, etc.). Cf. Revelation 12:17.
The faith of Jesus (την πιστιν Ιησου). "The faith in Jesus" (objective genitive) as in Revelation 2:13; Mark 11:22; James 2:1.