Archibald T. Robertson
Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures
1Joh 3,17Kommentar zu 1. Johannes 3,17
Whoso hath (ος αν εχη). Indefinite relative clause with modal αν with ος and the present active subjunctive of εχω.
The world's goods (τον βιον του κοσμου). "The living or livelihood (not ζωη, the principle of life, and see 1. John 2:16 for βιος) of the world" (not in the sense of evil or wicked, but simply this mundane sphere).
Beholdeth (θεωρε). Present active subjunctive of θεωρεω, like εχε just before.
In need (χρειαν εχοντα). "Having need" (present active predicate participle of εχω, agreeing with αδελφον). See the vivid picture of a like case in James 2:15.
Shutteth up (κλειση). First aorist (effective) active subjunctive of κλειω, to close like the door, changed on purpose from present tense to aorist (graphic slamming the door of his compassion, σπλαγχνα, common in LXX and N.T. for the nobler viscera, the seat of the emotions, as in Philippians 2:11; Colossians 3:12). Only here in John.
How (πως). Rhetorical question like that in James 2:16 (what is the use?). It is practical, not speculative, that counts in the hour of need.