Archibald T. Robertson
Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures
1Kor 7,11Kommentar zu 1. Korinther 7,11
But and if she depart (εαν δε κα χωρισθη). Third class condition, undetermined. If, in spite of Christ's clear prohibition, she get separated (ingressive passive subjunctive), let her remain unmarried (μενετω αγαμος). Paul here makes no allowance for remarriage of the innocent party as Jesus does by implication.
Or else be reconciled to her husband (η τω ανδρ καταλλαγητω). Second
aorist (ingressive) passive imperative of καταλλασσω, old compound verb
to exchange coins as of equal value, to reconcile. One of Paul's great
words for reconciliation with God (
And that the husband leave not his wife (κα ανδρα μη αφιενα). This is also part of the Lord's command (Mark 10:11). Απολυω occurs in Mark of the husband's act and αφιενα here, both meaning to send away. Bengel actually stresses the difference between χωρισθηνα of the woman as like separatur in Latin and calls the wife "pars ignobilior" and the husband "nobilior." I doubt if Paul would stand for that extreme.