Archibald T. Robertson
Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures
1Kor 2,12Kommentar zu 1. Korinther 2,12
But we (ημεις δε). We Christians like us (ημιν) in verse
Received (ελαβομεν). Second aorist active indicative of λαμβανω and so a definite event, though the constative aorist may include various stages.
Not the spirit of the world (ου το πνευμα του
κοσμου). Probably a reference to the wisdom of this age in verse
But the spirit which is of God (αλλα το πνευμα το εκ θεου). Rather, "from God" (εκ), which proceeds from God.
That we might know (ινα ειδωμεν). Second perfect subjunctive with ινα to express purpose. Here is a distinct claim of the Holy Spirit for understanding (Illumination) the Revelation received. It is not a senseless rhapsody or secret mystery, but God expects us to understand "the things that are freely given us by God" (τα υπο του θεου χαρισθεντα ημιν). First aorist passive neuter plural articular participle of χαριζομα, to bestow. God gave the revelation through the Holy Spirit and he gives us the illumination of the Holy Spirit to understand the mind of the Spirit. The tragic failures of men to understand clearly God's revealed will is but a commentary on the weakness and limitation of the human intellect even when enlightened by the Holy Spirit.