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But unto them that are factious and obey not the truth but
obey unrighteousness (τοις δε εξ εριθειας κα απειθουσιν τη
αληθεια πειθομενοις δε αδικια). The other side with δε and the articular
present participles in the dative again, only with εξ εριθειας, there is
no participle ουσιν. But the construction changes and the substantives
that follow are not the object of αποδωσε like ζωην αινωνιον above, but
are in the nominative as if with εσοντα (shall be) understood (anger and
wrath, both οργη and θυμος, tribulation and anguish, again a pair θλιψις
κα στενοχωρια on which see