Archibald T. Robertson
Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures
Apg 24,26Kommentar zu Apostelgeschichte 24,26
He hoped withal (αμα κα ελπιζων). "At the same time also hoping." Paul had mentioned the "alms" (Acts 24:17) and that excited the avarice of Felix for "money" (χρηματα). Roman law demanded exile and confiscation for a magistrate who accepted bribes, but it was lax in the provinces. Felix had doubtless received them before. Josephus (Ant. XX. 8, 9) represents Felix as greedy for money.
The oftener (πυκνοτερον). Comparative adverb of
πυκνος, old word, in N.T. only here and Luke 5:33 which see and