Archibald T. Robertson
Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures
Apg 15,10Kommentar zu Apostelgeschichte 15,10
Why tempt ye God? (τ πειραζετε τον θεον;). By
implying that God had made a mistake this time, though right about
Cornelius. It is a home-thrust. They were refusing to follow the
guidance of God like the Israelites at Massah and Meribah (Exodus 17:7; Deuteronomy 6:16;
That ye should put (επιθεινα). Second aorist active infinitive of επιτιθημ, epexegetic, explaining the tempting.
A yoke upon the neck (ζυγον επ τον τραχηλον). Familiar image of oxen with yokes upon the necks. Paul's very image for the yoke of bondage of the Mosaic law in Galatians 5:1. It had probably been used in the private interview. Cf. the words of Jesus about the Pharisees (Matthew 23:4) and how easy and light his own yoke is (Matthew 11:30).
Were able to bear (ισχυσαμεν βαστασα). Neither our fathers nor we had strength (ισχυω) to carry this yoke which the Judaizers wish to put on the necks of the Gentiles. Peter speaks as the spiritual emancipator. He had been slow to see the meaning of God's dealings with him at Joppa and Caesarea, but he has seen clearly by now. He takes his stand boldly with Paul and Barnabas for Gentile freedom.