And yet (καιτο). Old Greek compound particle (κα
το). In the N.T. twice only, once with finite verb as here, once with
the participle (Hebrews 4:3).
Without witness (αμαρτυρον). Old adjective (α
privative and μαρτυς, witness), only here in the N.T.
Left (αφηκεν). First aorist active (κ aorist
indicative of αφιημ).
In that he did good (αγαθουργων). Present active
causal participle of αγαθουργεω, late and rare verb (also αγαθοεργεω 1
Timothy 6:18), reading of the oldest MSS. here for αγαθοποιεω, to do
good. Note two other causal participles here parallel with αγαθουργων,
viz., διδους ("giving you") present active of διδωμι, εμπιπλων
("filling") present active of εμπιμπλαω (late form of εμπιμπλημ). This
witness to God (his doing good, giving rains and fruitful seasons,
filling your hearts with food and gladness) they could receive without
the help of the Old Testament revelation (Romans 1:20). Zeus was regarded as the god of rain (Jupiter Pluvius) and
Paul claims the rain and the fruitful (καρποφορουσ, καρπος, and φερω,
fruit bearing, old word, here alone in N.T.) seasons as coming from God.
Lycaonia was often dry and it would be an appropriate item. "Mercury, as
the God of merchandise, was also the dispenser of food" (Vincent). Paul
does not talk about laws of nature as if they governed themselves, but
he sees the living God "behind the drama of the physical world"
(Furneaux). These simple country people could grasp his ideas as he
claims everything for the one true God.
Gladness (ευφροσυνης). Old word from ευφρων (ευ and
φρην), good cheer. In the N.T. only Acts 2:28 and here. Cheerfulness should be our normal attitude when we
consider God's goodness. Paul does not here mention Christ because he
had the single definite purpose to dissuade them from worshipping
Barnabas and himself.