Archibald T. Robertson
Robertson's New Testament Word Pictures
Apg 13,2Kommentar zu Apostelgeschichte 13,2
As they ministered to the Lord (λειτουργουντων αυτων το κυριω). Genitive absolute of λειτουργεω, old verb, used of the Attic orators who served the state at their own cost λεως or λαος, people, and εργον, work or service). Common in the LXX of the priests who served in the tabernacle (Exodus 28:31; Exodus 28:39) like λειτουργια (Luke 1:23) which see. So in Hebrews 10:11. In Romans 15:27 of aiding others in poverty. Here of worship (prayer, exhortation, fasting). The word liturgy grows out of this use.
And fasted (κα νηστευοντων). Genitive absolute also. Christian Jews were keeping up the Jewish fast (Luke 18:12). Note fasting also in the choice of elders for the Mission Churches (Acts 14:23). Fasting was not obligatory on the Christians, but they were facing a great emergency in giving the gospel to the Gentile world.
Separate me (αφορισατε δη μο). First aorist active
imperative of αφοριζω, old verb to mark off boundaries or horizon, used
by Paul of his call (Romans 1:1; Galatians 1:15). The Greek has δη, a shortened form of ηδη and like Latin
jam and German doch, now therefore. It ought to be
preserved in the translation. Cf. Luke 2:15; Acts 15:36;
Whereunto (ο). Here εις has to be repeated from εις το εργον just before, "for which" as Jesus sent the twelve and the seventy in pairs, so here. Paul nearly always had one or more companions.