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And he (κακεινος). Emphatic.
Shall say (ειπη). Still the aorist active deliberative subjunctive as in verse Luke 11:5 (the same long and somewhat involved sentence).
Trouble me not (μη μο κοπους παρεχε). Μη and the present imperative active. Literally, "Stop furnishing troubles to me." On this use of κοπους παρεχω see also Matthew 26:10; Mark 14:6; Galatians 6:17 and the singular κοπον, Luke 18:5.
The door is now shut (ηδη η θυρα κεκλειστα). Perfect passive indicative, shut to stay shut. Oriental locks are not easy to unlock. From κλειω, common verb.
In bed (εις τεν κοιτην). Note use of εις in sense of εν. Often a whole family would sleep in the same room.
I cannot (ου δυναμα). That is, I am not willing.