And another also said (ειπεν δε κα ετερος). A volunteer like the first. This third case is given by Luke alone, though the incident may also come from the same Logia as the other two. Hετερος does not here mean one of a "different" sort as is sometimes true of this pronoun, but merely another like αλλος (Robertson, Grammar, p. 749).
But first (πρωτον δε). He also had something that was to come "first."
To bid farewell to them that are at my house (αποταξασθα τοις εις τον οικον μου). In itself that was a good thing to do. This first aorist middle infinitive is from αποτασσω, an old verb, to detach, to separate, to assign as a detachment of soldiers. In the N.T. it only appears in the middle voice with the meaning common in late writers to bid adieu, to separate oneself from others. It is used in Acts 18:18 of Paul taking leave of the believers in Corinth. See also Mark 6:46;
2 Corinthians 2:13 . It is thus a formal function and this man meant to go home and set things in order there and then in due time to come and follow Jesus.