The mysteries (τα μυστηρια). See for this word on Matthew 13:11; Mark 4:11. Part of the mystery here explained is how so many people who have the opportunity to enter the kingdom fail to do so because of manifest unfitness.
That (ινα). Here Mark 4:11 also has ινα while Matthew 13:13 has οτ (because). On the so-called causal use of ινα as here equal to οτ see discussion on Matthew 13:13; Mark 4:11. Plummer sensibly argues that there is truth both in the causal οτ of Matthew and the final ινα of Mark and Matthew. "But the principle that he who hath shall receive more, while he who hath not shall be deprived of what he seemeth to have, explains both the ινα and the οτ. Jesus speaks in parables because the multitudes see without seeing and hear without hearing. But He also speaks in parable
in order that they may see without seeing and hear without hearing." Only for "hearing" Luke has "understand" συνιωσιν, present subjunctive from a late omega form συνιω instead of the -μ verb συνιημ.