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A great feast (δοχην μεγαλην). Here and in Luke 14:13 only in the N.T. The word δοχη, from δεχομα, means reception. Occurs in Plutarch and LXX. Levi made Jesus a big reception.
Publicans and others (τελωνων κα αλλων). Luke declines here to use "sinners" like Mark 2:15 and Matthew 9:10 though he does so in verse Luke 5:30 and in Luke 15:1. None but social outcasts would eat with publicans at such a feast or barbecue, for it was a very large affair.
Were sitting at meat with them (ησαν μετ' αυτων κατακειμενο). Literally, were reclining with them (Jesus and the disciples). It was a motley crew that Levi had brought together, but he showed courage as well as loyalty to Jesus.