He turning about and seeing his disciples (επιστραφεις κα ιδων τους μαθητας αυτου). Peter had called Jesus off to himself (προσκαλεσαμενος), but Jesus quickly wheeled round on Peter (επιστραφεις, only στραφεις in Matthew). In doing that the other disciples were in plain view also (this touch only in Mark). Hence Jesus rebukes Peter in the full presence of the whole group. Peter no doubt felt that it was his duty as a leader of the Twelve to remonstrate with the Master for this pessimistic utterance (Swete). It is even possible that the others shared Peter's views and were watching the effect of his daring rebuke of Jesus. It was more than mere officiousness on the part of Peter. He had not risen above the level of ordinary men and deserves the name of Satan whose role he was now acting. It was withering, but it was needed. The temptation of the devil on the mountain was here offered by Peter. It was Satan over again. See on Matthew 16:23