J. T. Mawson, 1871-1943
A gentleman, who has had extensive surgery, is walking along a promenade with a young companion, when suddenly a large company of people, men and women, about 200 persons all told, confront them. The gentleman climbed upon a large pile of stones which was nearby and began to preach. The gentleman was J.T. Mawson, a well-known evangelical and Bible teacher. He said to the assembled company, "You'll never get the Lord Jesus off your hands unless you take Him into your heart. Pilate tried to get rid of his responsibility by washing his hands but he could not rid himself of his awful guilt by those means. Neither will you, and you both will meet the Lord Jesus as a Judge. So trust the Saviour now and you will not face Him as a Judge".
By the time Mr. Mawson had completed his message, he was swaying with weakness on the pile of stones where he was standing. His young companion said it was a most impressive and solemn message and was a wonderful expression of impromptu preaching.
Mr. Mawson was not a robust man as he suffered from asthma and frequently he required operations for duodenal ulcers which were very severe. These ailments did not prevent him from leading an active life and preaching and ministering the Word of God. He wrote many books and for a number of years was the editor of a magazine, "Scripture, Truth", to which he was a regular contributor.
At one time Mr. Mawson had a desire to go into Parliament, but he had to make a decision — Christ, or his own desires. Needless to say, Christ was the victory. The young man was liberated to serve Christ, and the Church of God was enriched by his books, ministry and preaching. Young people might ask themselves the question, "Is Christ paramount in my life?"
Extract from "Some Reminiscences" by Stuart E. McNair:
Perhaps 200 were present at the prayer-meeting and there were no long pauses. I remember a white-hot prayer for the gospel by J.T. Mawson, and how the words of one of his sentences rang out... "and that souls may be saved on the spot" — Nothing surpassed that evening at Bradford.
Mr. Mawson's hymn in 'Spiritual Songs' is no. 66. "Lord, Thou hast sought, and with blood Thou hast bought me". Significant are the expressions, "Snapped are my fetters, the captive is free". "If the Son shall set you free, ye shall be free indeed". (John 8:36).